Try a FREE class
What do you have to lose?
Other then the mental spinning, emotional turmoil and pounds…
We want you to experience a great workout and leave feeling tired and great in every way.
We offer most classes more then once a week, so if you love it, there is more than one opportunity to attend.
Get a chance to connect with others who are on the same workout journey as you. Workout buddies are always a great way to stay motivated.
You not only feel great physically after a workout, but you feel great mentally and emotionally too. That’s three great reasons all wrapped up in one great workout!
Our classes are based on martial arts, so you’re also learning techniques to protect yourself, if you ever need to.
I’m ready to try a class for FREE
Simply click on the button below and fill out the form.
Log into your new GymDesk profile and pre-book your first class.
Come to the class you’d like to try and tell the instructor your name and that you’re here to try the class out.
If you love the class as much as we think you will, check out our membership options and choose which works best for you. We have options for everybody!